Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Past

Thanks Lorraine for starting this. Not sure how much I can add to your memories about our Christmas presents from Mother than to say I still have some of the dolls and doll clothes that she made for me.

If you thought waiting till your older brothers and sisters got out of bed on Christmas morning was hard at least you didn't have to wait till they all came home for Christmas or we went to their house after they got married and moved away. I know Ken and Arlene have some pictures of me getting a doll for Christmas at their house. I'm sure that that didn't happen on Christmas day. How about the year we had snow on the day the family was planning to get together and we had to wait till John and Doris made it through the snow in the late afternoon from either Maryland or Delaware.

I know in my teen years we usually had Christmas on Christmas day with those of us who were home instead of waiting until New Year's day when we all got together. That was a much better arrangement. I always enjoyed the tradition of Cookies for breakfast Christmas morning but was not able to convince my family to continue it.

It was good to be together again on New Year's Day and meet the new future family member. Mike thinks he had it easy compared to Troy. Hope everyone has a great 2009


Lorraine said...

Thanks for sharing.It's good to hear from another family member. Hopefully this will catch on and we'll get some more of those memories written down.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess I will and some of my memories of Christmas as a youngster. Yes, I was one of the older that made you "little ones" wait. I guess it never hurt you. I too have doll clothes and things that mother made for us. Also a couple of dolls. If we didn't get a new doll, we at least got a new wardrobe for the ones we had. Another big item were new coloring book and crayons. The biggest book and the biggest box of crayon that mother could find. Every year we got one and one of the activities of the day was to color a picture in everyone else coloring book. Some memories I have that was of living at East Petersburg and after opening up our gifts Dad took us to the fire house in Petersburg where we all got a box of chocolates. After that we went to Grandma Dombach for a Christmas dinner with the Dombach cousins. The Christmas season also included a trip to Lancaster to see "Santa" and the trains at the "Farmer's Supply". (We all knew that Santa was just a make believe fellow)Even thro our parents weren't wealthy they made Christmas special for us. There was always at least one gift for each of us and usually a new game for the whole family to enjoy.